From now until March 9th we are in a mercury retrograde in Pisces. This is likely going to be felt by many as a dreamy, spacey and potentially creative time.

Admittedly, I can barely get this post out! I rather daydream and swing in the hammock.
Technically, this isn’t a great time to push ahead but instead to reflect. To reassess our thinking and our approach to business and our daily communications. Yet even though there is a mercury retrograde we still need to flow with the demands of life ... movement needs to be made. It just likely won’t be direct, crystal clear and linear. And that is to be expected... it is as though we are in a collective dream.
This is a creatively special time, we all should approach everything we do and say with a mystical twist. Enjoy the dreamy quality of this time.
Shadow aspects of this transit can make us feel confused, and experience levels of disillusionment and disenchantment. Unclear communication, mistakes and the inability to see the forest though the trees all are a potential. Also, technical difficulties and hold ups are likely. Computer and vehicle related issues are floating around ready at any point to descend and mess things up for us. With all this said this is simply one dimension to this retrograde.
It is important to empower and work with the flow of energy that surrounds us. We can’t always fully dodge the unfolding of cycles and influences. However if we know it is going to rain we are wise to bring an umbrella! Personally, I am having a new website built and logo created during a Mercury retrograde and although technically ill advised this is actually in some ways appropriate for me... I’m going back to recreate something I once had for my business. I see this as a creative do-over and an exciting one. Same with my new improved logo...something to be redone that captures my evolved business essence.
My best advice when working on all projects is to surrender to the process and not get caught up with mercury trappings. But most of all because this retrograde is in Pisces and so close to Neptune it is a creatively special time, we all should approach everything we do and say with a mystical twist. Enjoy the dreamy quality of this time. Float in the sea or in your bath more, don’t push yourself, wait for inspiration and see all that you do as a spiritual act. I imagine us all listening to music that speaks to our soul. Plenty of incense, sage or Palo Santo burning during these few weeks. A special crystal or stone in hand or worn more often. Soothing breaths and inward journeys. Dreaming. Plant medicine and tea. Self-reflection. We are wise to take advantage of this potentially mystical, special and peaceful time. If we use the energy this way we may potentially mitigate the well known hair pulling mercury side effects. ☺️
Blessings, Astrologer Eve (Evelyn Mari Crete) #floweroflifeastrologyandhealing #mercuryretrograde #astrology #healing #holistichealing